soundcore A3102 Speaker Recall (Black)

We have discovered that due to a problem with manufacturing conditions, a small number of our soundcore speakers (manufactured in March and April, 2023) may have battery issues that cause a potential fire safety risk. The safety of our customers is our highest priority, and that's why we are issuing a voluntary recall for the soundcore A3102 speaker(Black).

If your soundcore A3102 speaker is identified as having one of the affected battery cells, we will send you a new one as a replacement.

We urge all customers with a soundcore speaker to follow the steps below.

Please Note: Below models and colors are NOT included in the recall:

Find Out if Your Speaker is Affected:

1. Look at the bottom of your soundcore speaker (see image below) to see if it is model A3102.

2. Locate the 16-digit serial number on the bottom of the device. If your product's SN is not 16 digits, it means your product is normal and is not within the scope of this recall.

3. Click here to enter the serial number and verify whether your speaker contains the affected battery cells.

*Pay attention to the letters and numbers in the serial number: "1", "L", "I", "2" and "Z" Please note that characters such as "0 (zero)" and "O" (o) may be entered incorrectly.Regarding the serial number of the target product, "O"and"I" are not used.
Additionally, the system is designed so that characters that are not used in the serial cannot be entered.

What to Do if You Own an Affected Speaker:

If your soundcore speaker is identified as having the affected battery cells, please follow the instructions below:

1. Switch off the speaker immediately.
2. Once we have confirmed your information, our customer service team will provide guidelines on how to return or dispose of your speaker.

How to dispose of the recalled devices:
Please dispose of your device at a facility that accepts lithium batteries in a manner that complies with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and guidelines relating to the safe disposal of lithium batteries. Recalled lithium-ion batteries should be disposed of in accordance with any local and state ordinances, following the procedures established by your municipal recycling center for damaged/defective/recalled lithium-ion batteries, because these potentially hazardous batteries must be handled differently than other batteries. Do not throw this recalled battery in the trash. Do not deposit this recalled battery in used battery recycling boxes found at various retail and home improvement stores. You can call your county or fire department for specific details about how to dispose of the batteries. The below resources are only for your reference.

North America
United States
Local and state ordinances prohibit disposing of this product in regular trash or used battery recycling boxes at retail and home improvement stores. Check with your local municipality or fire department for battery recycling options.
· Local Waste Management Facilities: Many cities and towns have waste management facilities that accept hazardous waste, including lithium batteries. You can look up the facilities in your area.
· Best Buy: Best Buy stores typically accept used batteries for recycling, including lithium batteries. You can visit their website ( for more information.
· Staples: Staples stores also accept used batteries for recycling. You can visit their website ( for more information.

United Kingdom

To dispose of the speakers consumers can contact their local council about e waste disposal or find their closest e-waste collection service at
Customer Service Contact Details

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to promptly addressing and resolving any issues you may encounter.

Email: Contact and include “soundcore A3102 Speaker Recall” in the subject line.
Phone: We offer phone support in the following regions.
Additional contact details can be found at
- United States: +1 (800) 988 7973
- Germany: +49 (0) 69 9579 7960
- United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1604 936 200

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have caused and greatly appreciate your understanding and patience.

Please Enter Your Serial Number
If your product's SN is not 16 digits, it means your product is normal and is not within the scope of this recall.